Jean-Philippe BOUILLON

Professor, Rouen Normandy University

Fluorinated biomolecules synthesis team


Jean-Philippe Bouillon got his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 1994 from University Catholic of Leuven (Belgium), under the supervision of Professor H.G. Viehe. He then moved to France to carry out his first postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Dr. Beugelmans at Institut de Chimie de Substances Naturels (CNRS, Gif-Sur-Yvette). Then, he moved to University Joseph Fourrier (LEDSS, Grenoble) to carry out his second postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Dr. Greene. In 1996, he worked as CNRS Researcher in the group of Pr. Portella, at University of Reims Champagne Ardennes. Since 2004, he took a position as Professor at University of Rouen, first in the team “Sciences et Méthodes Séparatives” (EA 3233) then in COBRA laboratory (UMR 6014) in the group “Fluorinated Biomolecule Synthesis”. His main research interests concern the development of new methodologies to access fluorinated building-blocks and heterocycles.


  • Fluorine
  • Synthesis
  • Building-block
  • Heterocycle
  • CF3-alkene


128 publications, 6 books/book chapters,

3 patents, 5 invited lectures, 65 seminars