Alexandra LE FOLL

Responsable opérationnelle C2I OrgA

C2i orga platform team


PhD in organic chemistry, Alexandra Le Foll (Research engineer – COBRA laboratory / INSA Rouen Normandie) was recruited in 2012 to take part in the implementation of C2I OrgA platform (Center for Innovation and Engineering in Organic Chemistry and Analysis). 

She conducts her own research activity via management and supervision of collaborative researches with industrial partners in the field of organic synthesis and purification technics while providing this scientific expertise to C2I OrgA platform and Carnot I2C for the design and follow-up of collaborative research projects with academic and industrial partners (Joint Laboratories, collaborative innovation projects…) 

She has developed a special expertise in the synthesis and functionalization of heterocycles, asymmetric synthesis, organocatalysis, glycochemistry and molecularly imprinted polymers.


  • Synthèse asymétrique
  • Organocatalyse
  • Glycochimie
  • Polymères à empreinte moléculaire
  • Recherche appliquée à des fins industrielles


5 publications, 3 brevets