Cyrille SABOT

CNRS Researcher

Chemistry bio-organic team


Permanent CNRS researcher at CNRS-COBRA laboratory in Rouen, France, Cyrille Sabot received his PhD in organic chemistry at the Université de Strasbourg in 2007 under the supervision of Dr. Charles Mioskowski. After postdoctoral research positions at the University of Québec at Montreal with Prof. Sylvain Canesi (2007-2009) and at the University Joseph Fournier in Grenoble with Dr. Andrew Greene (2009-2010), he has obtained a permanent position at CNRS in 2010 at the Université de Rouen. His current research fields in the bio-organic team include the development of chemical tools for bioconjugation, and the synthesis of compounds of interest through new synthetic methodologies.


  • Biocompatible ligation tools
  • Kinetic target-guided synthesis
  • Click chemistry
  • Organic fluorophore
  • Organic synthesis methodology


45 publications, 12 invited lectures